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- Subject: Roswell Item
- Date: 14 Aug 93 06:20:00 GMT
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:107/816.0 - The Wrong Num, Jersey City NJ
- >From Letters To The Editor, May/June 1993, Volume 18, Number 3, IUR,
- International UFO Reporter, Copyright 1993 by the J. Allen Hynek Center
- for UFO Studies, 2457 West Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL 60659.
- Roswell Matters
- For many months in 1992 I attempted to mediate the unfortunate
- ongoing dispute between the two pairs of New Mexico crash investigators:
- Kevin Randle and Don Schimtt on one side, Stan Friedman and Don Berliner
- on the other. I did so because of a strong conviction that their
- quarreling was harmful to ufology and that with our limited resources
- and the overriding importance of the Corona/Roswell case we need to
- patch over our differences and work together. I hoped at least to
- persuade them to cool down the rhetoric and cooperate in important
- areas.
- Though my effort was almost a complete failure - there were
- plenty of inflated egos, pettiness, and illogic evident on both sides -
- it was educational for me in many ways that are beyond the scope and
- purpose of this letter. I will try to take the lessons I learned and
- put them to work in the future. At the outset, I promised to go public
- with my findings if I agreed with one or more of the principals on some
- important point that was in dispute. I took grievances and complaints
- from both sides and asked the other side to reply. Precious little was
- resolved by this means, but I feel a duty to report on one item.
- Randle alleged that Friedman and others, aparently acting in
- concert, had attempted to interfere with publication of the book _UFO
- Crash at Roswell_ (then in preparation) by contacting the publisher,
- Avon Books, making charges of plagiarism and generally impugning
- Randle's character and integrity. I asked Randle for documentation,
- which he provided. I asked Friedman for an explanation, and he never
- replied.
- The documents show that in June and July 1990 Friedman, Bill
- Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Whitley Strieber (who said he owned rights to
- _The Roswell Incident_) barraged Avon Books with letters and phone calls
- alleging plagiarism, and Friedman and Moore (before their falling out)
- demanded to see the manuscript. When they were rebuffed, Moore and
- Shandera later escalated their attack and threatened a lawsuit. A
- letter dated August 17, 1990, accused Randle and Schmitt of a "willful
- conspiracy" to steal their material, "copyright infringement,"
- "slander," "fraud," and other acts. Moore and Shandera then repeated
- the threat in a letter dated March 15, 1991, and sent a copy to Avon.
- Other repeated _ad hominem_ attacks shall go unmentioned. The
- concerted effort to derail the Randle/Schmitt book is indefensible.
- Richard Hall
- Brentwood, Maryland
- --
- John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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